Rize Outdoor Activities

agaran waterfall

Ağaran Waterfall

Ağaran Waterfall: The Natural Beauty of Rize Ağaran Waterfall, located in Çayeli district of Rize, is one of the natural beauties of the Black Sea Region. The waterfall fascinates its
anzer pleteau

Anzer Plateau

Anzer Plateau is located in Rize's İkizdere district, at an altitude of approximately 2300 meters. The plateau is known for its world-famous Anzer honey. Location and Transportation: Location: It is
Palovit Waterfall

Palovit Waterfall

Palovit Waterfall, a part of the magnificent nature of the Black Sea Region, is a natural wonder located in the Çamlıhemşin district of Rize province and offers its visitors a
Gelintulu Waterfall

Gelintülü Waterfall

Gelintülü Waterfall, located in the Çamlıhemşin district of Rize, just across from the center of Ayder Plateau, makes a great aesthetic contribution to the appearance of the plateau. This waterfall,


Zil kale is a historical castle rising above the Fırtına Valley in the Çamlıhemşin district of Rize.